Welcome visitors & friends and people from all around the world!



Welcome Globe 2

  • I would like to WELCOME you to my site, which is about my crazy life, my travel, my work, the people I met, and everything that I believe was/is important to me and others.
  • I started this journey, or better my parents started this journey when I was 5 years old. 
  • On August 20, 1968, the Soviet Union led Warsaw Pact troops in an invasion of Czechoslovakia to crack down on reformist trends in Prague.

my crazy life


  • Only a few days before this invasion my parents took me, my brother, and anything that was valuable to them and put it in their car. Not telling anybody what they were going to do since this would put everything at risk, they left everything behind! Their families, their house, home, work, and basically that was dear to them….and escaped, knowing that IF they would get caught, we would go to jail or even be killed! Now that is one hell of a crazy life, or should I call it a journey, don’t you think?!


Russian invasion 1968
A woman turns away during the 1968 Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia in this photo taken by renowned photographer Josef Koudelka








But…WE  MADE It! We got asylum in Switzerland and this is where MY Journey started. I do not want to bore you with the details of my childhood, but after 2 years we left Switzerland to live in Munich Germany!

The reason why we left Switzerland was simple: My father was a Chemist and my mom was an RN, but when my dad found out that the Swiss only paid them HALF their regular salary because they were not Swiss citizens, he decided to leave.

On this website, I will talk about the places where I lived and worked! It will give you, the reader a perception of what’s it’s like to WORK and LIVE in different countries, even different continents.

I will talk and explain HOW I made a living, HOW I managed legal/immigration issues and HOW living and working in these countries affected me. I will also talk about the woman I met, and why women in North America and Europa are so different than in Asia!  And a lot more!


Enjoy the true stories and have FUN reading about how my life was and still is a SUITCASE!

I am not kidding, since I just arrived in Prague on April 30.2019, and it is an amazing city to discover, as I am doing right now. More on Prague soon. I guess my crazy life is still crazy. Please visit my post/page which title is:  Prag my final place?

